
Visita Prof. Vijay Janyani Ph.D. 27/06/2018

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El capítulo estudiantil de la OSA de la UPB está organizando la visita del  Prof. Vijay Janyani Ph.D. entre el 27 y 28 de junio de 2018. El Prof. Vijay Janyani es Associate Professor of the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT), Jaipur (Rajasthan), India.

Prof. Vijay Janyani obtained Bachelors and Masters degrees in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Malaviya Regional Engineering College Jaipur (now MNIT Jaipur) and PhD from the George Green Institute (GGIEMR) of Nottingham, U.K. under Commonwealth Scholarship Plan in 2005. He is a recipient of various awards & honours such as the Derrick Kirk Prize of University of Nottingham, Commonwealth Scholarship UK, AICTE Career Award etc. He has completed various national and international Government funded major research projects funded by UKIERI, DRDO, DST etc, in collaboration with UK, Japan, Egypt, Ukraine etc. He has been a visiting faculty to AIT Bangkok and UoTEM Tunisia.

El Prof. Janyani esta invitado a la Conferencia de Redes Ópticas organizado para la carrera de IET y otras ingenierías. La conferencia se llevará a cabo en nuestro campus universitario «Julio León Prado» ubicado en Cochabamba, Bolivia. 


  • Redes ópticas pasivas Gigabit eficientes energéticamente
  • Comunicación de fibra óptica: avances recientes y direcciones futuras